Entry & Exit Cleaning When Relocating an Office
Relocating your office is a huge task that requires a lot of time and effort. As a business owner, you may not have a whole lot of spare time up your sleeve between running your business and whatever home and family commitments you have on top of that. That’s where we come in!
Along with being time-consuming and tedious, relocating your office usually means you are going to be dealing with a lot of mess. It’s something that really can’t really be avoided. But with a team of professional cleaners such as the experts at Neat Cleaning, you can leave this massive task to us while you focus on finding and moving into your new office.
The Perfect Office Layout
There’s probably no perfect layout when choosing a new office but there are some considerations you should make when choosing. You want to ensure the new office doesn’t have specialised cleaning requirements for example have easily cleaned flooring surfaces. Large space that isn’t used effectively can be a nightmare to clean but you also don’t want to choose an office too small that you’ll outgrow far too soon.
Communicate and work as a team!
If you let the team know well in advance that you are moving, they will have plenty of time to tell your cleaning contractor and give them plenty of notice, allowing them to decide and prepare for the new schedules. Teams will transition to new office more efficiently if you encourage a clean desk policy, encourage kitchen cleaning policies or have a recycyling plan.
Neat Cleaning can help!
Neat Cleaning is a team of expert cleaners who specialize in professional, office cleaning and commercial cleaning services throughout the Brisbane and North Brisbane regions.
We differ from other cleaning companies because we have a keen eye for detail which is important, especially when it comes to entry and exit cleans for commercial properties. These types of cleaning services require an extremely high level of standards to ensure that the property looks as good, (if not better) than when you first moved in, for handover to the real estate agent or owner.
You may have been through with your exit clean, but that doesn’t mean the previous owner or tenants of your new office have been.If you’ve found the perfect location for your new office, but discover it’s not quite up to scratch in terms of cleanliness, Neat Cleaning is on hand to help out with your entry clean as well.
For commercial entry and exit cleaning services in Brisbane, contact the friendly team at Neat Cleaning today!