Vinyl Floor Looking Dull and Lifeless?


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After a period of time your floors can become faded and built up with dirt and grime especially if they are not being cleaned and buffed regularly. Our Vinyl Floor Cleaning & Sealing service will combat even the filthiest of floors and bring them up to a mirror shine. You will have no problem bringing clients back to the office with a freshly sealed vinyl floor.

What we do? Sealing a floor is not as easy as it looks or sounds. It is a list of steps that take quite some time to perfect. This is a very brief overview of what we do.

  1. We first strip back the old layers of sealer and dirt by pouring a solution of stripper and water onto the floor and letting it sit for a few minutes to soften the sealer enough that it is easy to remove.
  2. The floor is then agitated by our small slow speed scrubber which breaks down a majority of the old sealer and dirt. At the same time we detail the edges which is where most of the build-up of dirt sits.
  3. If there are shelves we use a machine called The Shark to get under the shelves in the hard to reach places. It does a fantastic job around the shelf legs.
  4. After this is completed we use our large automatic scrubbing machine which breaks down the last of the sealer and picks up the excess water.
  5. The floor is then rinsed twice to make sure we don’t leave a residue behind which leaves the floor completely clean.
  6. After the floor is dry it is buffed and then swept to get rid of any excess dust.
  7. We then lay 6-8 coats of sealer and up to 10-12 coats in foyers and entranceways and buff it again for a mirror finish.

Some floors needs sealing twice per year while other floors need sealing once per year, depending on the traffic to the area. It is a good idea to get your floors cleaned and buffed on a regular basis as this will prolong the life of the sealer as well as keeping your floors looking great in between stripping and sealing.

What you want to avoid doing is leaving the floor too late. If you leave the floor without sealer you are likely to wear into the actual vinyl instead of wearing into just the sealer. This could become very costly to repair and restore so make sure you have sealer on your vinyl floor at all times.

TIP: If you are using office chairs on your vinyl floor, make sure you use plastic office chair mats as to protect the vinyl floor from wear.

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